Thanksgiving 365: 260 – 277

260. Christmas classics.  One of my favorite things to do during the Christmas season is watch the claymation Christmas classics.  They bring back such fond memories of my childhood.  I liked them so much as a child that my mom got them for me on VHS.  Last year she got them for me on DVD.  When it comes to the classics I’ll never grow up.

261. Homemade gifts.  There’s something about a homemade gift that just means more.  This year, due to financial constraints, I decided that’s what I’ll be giving.  At first I didn’t like that I didn’t have the money to spend on my family, but since I’ve been working on them I’ve definitely put more thought into them than when I buy gifts.

262. Only one more week on an air mattress.  I’m currently sleeping on an air mattress since I had to move my furniture  out before graduation.  My back was not created for air mattresses.

263. A good adjustment.  I get adjusted regularly.  Sleeping on air mattress makes me appreciate a good adjustment so much more.

264. Encouragement from my grandpa.  My grandpa isn’t a big talker, but today he told me how proud of me he was.  It means a lot to me.

265. Internet humor.  Sometimes you know that what you need is a good laugh.  You always know where to go.  I usually go here.  Below is a recent video that they produced.  These guys are always good for a laugh.

266. My mom’s craftiness.  My mom is one of those people that makes stuff look good.  She does flower arrangements, she makes blankets and she does cross-stitch.  When I was born she made me a Christmas stocking.  After that, she began making them for every child born in our family.  Right now she’s working on one for my cousin’s daughter who will be born in late January.  I hope my kids love the stockings she’ll make for them someday as much as I love mine.

267. Beef.  Don’t go all PETA on me.  I’m not a supporter of animal abuse.  I just think some of them taste good.  I once heard a friend pray the following prayer that pretty much sums up how I feel.  “Thank you God for cows and the fact that they taste so good on bread.”

268. My family’s accomplishments. You might say the saxophone runs in my family.  I played it, my older cousin Brandon played it and my younger cousins Joshua and Moriah both play it.  Moriah happens to be awesome at it.  This past summer she was selected for the Sound of America band which is a band made up of high school students from all across the US that does a European tour.  She was also selected to be in the Macy’s Great American Marching Band.  Also in the past week she was named First Chair All-Parish Band and Second Chair All-District Concert Band.  Like I said she’s awesome and I’m super proud of her.

269. Aunt Imogene.  About week-and-a-half ago my Aunt Imo went to be with the Lord.  She had dealt with COPD for years and got really bad during the last few weeks of her life.  Now she get’s to spend Christmas with Jesus.  That’s pretty cool I think.

270. Peace.  My family experienced a lot of loss in the month of November.  One thing is for sure most of those family members that were lost had been in a lot of discomfort before passing.  Around the holidays loss can be particularly hard.  While my family members will be missed this Christmas my family also has peace because we know that each of our lost loved one’s were believers, and we know that someday we’ll see them again.

271. My supporters.  Through my entire journey of life there have been people who have supported me the whole way no matter what.  When someone said I couldn’t they told me I could and helped me figure out how.  I am forever grateful for these people.

272. Milk. There are a lot of dairy naysayers out there.  There is some truth to it.  I won’t deny that.  It can be an inflammatory food and I’ve seen some amazing changes in people who eliminate it from their diet.  However, I also think the body knows what it needs.  Some days you have a craving for rocky road ice cream and I’m not saying cravings like this are what your body needs, but I do think cravings can be indication of something your body needs.  I once spoke with a pregnant woman who started craving kale.  She got some lab work back shortly after she started having the cravings and they showed low calcium levels.  Kale happens to be very high in calcium.  So I think there is some truth in it.  I happen to be a milk craver.  I’ve done detoxes and diets.  Every time I’ve done one I stop craving sugars and starches, but I always crave milk.  I can’t eliminate the craving.  I think there’s something in it that my body needs.

273. My nephew, Ryan.  He’s pretty much the coolest, smartest and funniest kid I know.  His sense of humor tells me he’s truly a member of my family.  Don’t try to convince me your nephew is more awesome.  It will not work.  I can’t wait to see him at Christmas!

274. The patients that helped me make it here.  If it hadn’t have been for willing subjects I never would have met all my requirements for graduation.  Thanks for trusting me with your health.  Because of you’re loyalty I’ve gotten so much better from when I started, and now I can be a successful doctor.

275. Patience.  I’m also thankful for patience , as without it I surely would not have made it this far.  There were plenty of things that went wrong (pronounced: not my way) and I could have given up, but God blessed me with patience and and network of people who give amazing advice.

276. Hoodies.  They’re so darn comfortable and warm.  Why wouldn’t I be thankful for them?

277. Dreams realized. I have always wanted to be a doctor.  This Saturday that dream will be fulfilled.  It blows my mind that I have made it this far and that everything I have worked so hard for is finally coming to be.

P.S. Be sure to check back tomorrow for a super big announcement!

One thought on “Thanksgiving 365: 260 – 277

  1. […] Almond Milk.  I’m a bit of a milk-a-holic. Even though I know that my body is not intended to digest it properly I’m addicted.  So I’ve […]

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