When It Rains It Pours…In My Living Room

It has been a long week, and it’s only Tuesday.  Tuesday is always a long day this tri because it’s my clinic day.  That means I’m in class at 7 AM and I get home about 7 PM.  I don’t see the sun on Tuesdays.  Today was particularly long, however.  My day started at 3:30 AM.

I awoke this morning at about 3 AM to wind rattling the windows and storm that sounded like it was going to take my roof off.  I was enjoying listening to the rain as I laid there and tried to go back to sleep.  That was until I heard my bedroom door shift.  It was the sound it makes when there is a draft sucking air from inside the apartment.  It was then that I realized the living room window had been left open.

I came out into the living room to find a radius of 6 feet of carpet around the window soaked along with half a love seat.  The recliner in front of the window was completely drenched.  So I shut the window and began sopping up water.  Luckily, the recliner had a slip cover so I was able to get it off before it soaked through to actual chair, but I had to dismantle the chair in the process of removing it.  I managed to use up all my towels while working towards recovery from Hurricane St. Louis so I decided to throw them in the wash before school.  To my dismay, I realized I only had $.75 in quarters and it takes $1.50 to do a load.  So the towels got to sit in floor until I got home tonight.  One of my fabulous friends was gracious enough to run to the bank for me today and get more quarters before it closed.

Luckily, everything else went pretty good today, but I’m incredibly tired right now.  I would like to go to bed, but I am in chiropractic school, and in chiropractic school there is no rest for the weary.  I have 3 more midterms this week so no going to bed early tonight.  I’m off to study some more.

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